Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Big Day for Waitlisted Students

A Big Day for Waitlisted Students May 1 Congratulations to some students of ours who first came to us after being waitlisted. Today, some of you earned admission off of those dreaded lists! On really the first day of eligibility! For students who first came to us as clients after being waitlisted, today was a big day for some of you. Most students who are waitlisted the vast majority in fact will never earn admission off of those waitlists. But the suggestion that it is near impossible to get off these lists is downright wrong. When parents email us something along the lines of, I hear there is a 1% chance, we cant help but roll our eyes. And why? Because of days like today. Today, weve heard from several of our students who first came to us as clients after being waitlisted that they have now earned admission. On the very first day schools really even go to their waitlists on May 1st! Doing nothing wont get you off a waitlist. Doing nothing will give you even less than a 1% chance of getting off that list, in our estimation. Doing the wrong things wont get you off either. It could cause more harm than good. But play by our rules and what we can guarantee to our students who first come to us after being waitlisted is that they will be giving themselves the best possible shot to get in. So why do some of our students learn theyve gotten in as early as May 1st? Thats easy. Because they made such compelling cases for admission that the admissions offices at these universities have been eager to tell them for some timethey just had to wait it out until they received their yield numbers. And for those of you, including some of our students, who havent yet heard from these schools, realize that  our students have in the past earned admission off these waitlists as last as August. Theyd already deposited at another school. They had every intention of going to that school. And then they got a phone call and everything changed. Congratulations to our students who earned admission off of waitlists today and for those of you who are still in limbo, know there is indeed still hope. If you played your cards wisely, that is.

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